2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog/Student Handbook 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog/Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The undergraduate course numbering system is as follows:

0100 - Lower Level Courses
0200 - Upper Level Courses
0300 - Upper Level Courses

Not every course listed in this Bulletin is offered annually. Definite information about course offerings and class hours is available at the time of registration through the Office of the Registrar. Insufficient enrollment or changing conditions may occasionally necessitate the withdrawal of scheduled courses. Please check with appropriate departments to determine if the courses sought are being offered and when they are scheduled.



  • MATH 0334 - Operations Research and Modeling

    Credits: 3

    A study of mathematical modeling and of the models of interest in operations research, which may include distribution problems, linear programming, the simplex method and applications. CPM, network problems, non?linear programming problems, Markov chains, queuing models, and simulation.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106  and MATH 0218 .
  • MATH 0335 - Numerical Analysis

    Credits: 3

    Intended for majors in mathematics or computer science. Methods of finding approximate numerical solutions to mathematical problems are explored using a scientific computer programming language. Standard algorithms of numerical analysis will be chosen from: numerical integration, nonlinear equations, computational probability, differential equations.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106  and MATH 0218 .
  • MATH 0337 - Foundations of Secondary and Middle School Mathematics

    Credits: 3

    Designed to build upon student’s mathematics background, relating students’ mathematical knowledge to understanding and teaching the middle or secondary school mathematics curriculum. Topics to be considered are: geometry, algebra, basic skills, number theory, probability and statistics and the use of calculators and computers in the classroom. A thirty (30) hour field experience is a course requirement.

    Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing in the major.
  • MATH 0340 - Mathematical Statistics I

    Credits: 3

    A calculus-based introduction to probability and statistics. Topics include graphical techniques for data analysis (histograms, stem&leaf displays, box plots), set theory, principles of counting, sample spaces, discrete and continuous probability distributions, probability functions, random variables, moment-generating functions, statistical inference (point estimation, decision-making based on confidence intervals/hypothesis testing).

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106 .
  • MATH 0342 - Actuarial Problem Solving

    Credits: 3

    Develops knowledge of the fundamental probability tools for quantitatively assessing risk. The application of these tools to problems encountered in actuarial science is emphasized. A thorough command of probability topics and the supporting calculus is assumed. Additionally, a very basic knowledge of insurance and risk management is helpful. This course is designed to help prepare for actuarial certification and employment. This course may be available every other year by special arrangement with one of the mathematics faculty.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0201  and MATH 0340  and either double major in Mathematics and Economics or permission of the instructor
  • MATH 0343 - Actuarial Problem Solving II

    Credits: 3

    This course develops an understanding of the fundamental concepts of financial mathematics and how those concepts are applied in calculating present and accumulated values for various streams of cash flows including annuities, perpetuities, loans, bonds, and general portfolios.  The course also introduces financial instruments such as market derivatives and the concept of no-arbitrage.  This course is designed to fully prepare students for the actuarial exam FM/2.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0201   and permission of instructor
  • MATH 0352 - Foundations of Teaching Mathematics: (ELED 1-6)

    Credits: 2-3

    Designed to introduce the prospective early childhood, elementary, and special education school teacher to the teaching of mathematics. An activity-based format will be used to create a learning environment that fosters an exploration of the processes of mathematics. Emphasis will be placed on the role and use of manipulatives in a laboratory setting that encourages the development of fundamental concepts in mathematics. Topics may include: the inductive and deductive processes, measurement, graphing, cognitive development theory, the learning cycle, discussion of innovative projects, state and national frameworks, techniques for assessment, number and arithmetic operations, patterns, variables, modeling and geometry. Three contact hours per week, including substantial laboratory/activity time.

    Students double majoring in mathematics and either elementary or special education may request to take this course for 3 credits provided they successfully complete an additional project in consultation with the instructor.  A student may not receive credit for both this course and MATH 0354.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0153  AND MATH 0250  .
    Pre/co-requisite: EDUC 0319  or EDUC 0354  

  • MATH 0353 - Mathematics Teaching Apprenticeship

    Credits: 3

    Provides prospective teacher candidates with a mathematically focused pre-practicum teaching/mentoring experience in a local school. Students will put the methods of teaching mathematics developed in MATH 0352  into practice by working with students on a weekly basis throughout the semester. Their work will be supervised by both the elementary school classroom teacher and the University faculty member who will regularly be on site. Content of class meetings will focus on reflection, assessment, and analysis of these experiences. Can be repeated for credit with permission of instructor. Not for MATH only majors – does not count in the 6 300-level requirement.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0352 .
  • MATH 0354 - Foundations: Teaching Mathematics (PreK-2)

    Credits: 2-3

    Designed to introduce the prospective early childhood teacher to the teaching of mathematics.  An activity-based format will be used to create a learning environment that fosters an exploration of the processes of mathematics.  Emphasis will be placed on the role and use of manipulatives in a laboratory setting that encourages the development of fundamental concepts in mathematics.  Topics may include: the inductive and deductive processes, measurement, graphing, cognitive development theory, the learning cycle, discussion of innovative projects, state and national frameworks, techniques for assessment, number and arithmetic operations, patterns, variables, modeling and geometry.  Three contact hours per week, including substantial laboratory/activity time. 

    Students double majoring in mathematics and early childhood education may request to take this course for 3 credits provided they successfully complete an additional project in consultation with the instructor.  A student may not receive credit for both this course and MATH 0352.



  • MATH 0360 - Current Trends in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

    Credits: 1-3

    Students will work individually with a professor on a project or activity relating to current innovations in mathematics or mathematics education. Potential sources for study include: evaluation of innovative textual materials, trends in media and technology development, evaluation of software, development of laboratory materials, attendance at professional conferences, review and analysis of journal articles, and the presentation of reports on individual and institutional research activities. Course may be taken up to two times with the permission of the department chair.

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
  • MATH 0390 - Senior Seminar in Mathematics

    Credits: 3

    A capstone experience for senior mathematics majors which unifies many areas of the undergraduate curriculum and serves as a rite ofpassage into the community of mathematicians. The curriculum is topical in nature and varies by course offering. Topics studied are of contemporary importance and are considered from their historical genesis through their current role in the ongoing development of the field of mathematics.

    Prerequisites: Six (6) 300-level 3-credit Math courses and either MATH 0201 or permissino of instructor
  • MATH 0395 - Special Topics in Mathematics

    Credits: 3

    A study of an advanced topic of special interest to mathematics majors that is not covered in an active math course.  Course content will vary according to the area of specialization of the instructor and the interest of the students.  May be repeated if course content differs.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and sophmore standing.
  • MATH 0398 - Internship in Mathematics

    Credits: 3-15

    Internship in mathematics for full-time, upper level mathematics majors.

    Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing and dept. permission.
  • MATH 0399 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-6

    Independent study of topics in mathematics under careful faculty supervision. Intended for capable students to broaden their mathematics program or to gain depth in a particular area of interest.

    Prerequisites: permission of instructor and department Chair.

Movement Science/Physical Education

  • MOVP 0100 - Introduction to Exercise Science

    Credits: 3

    Through observation and experimentation students will examine the cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems of the body and the impact of exercise on their functioning. The effect of changing one’s own personal exercise habits on risk factors for cardiovascular disease, longevity and quality of life will be explored.

  • MOVP 0101 - Clinical Experiences in Exercise Science I

    Credits: 1 + 1 (two semesters)

    Exercise Science Program course designed to teach basic skills relating to assessment, equipment knowledge and calibration. In addition, students will develop communication and interpersonal skills relating to client learning styles through applied experiences in exercise-related assessment and programming. This class must be repeated once.

    Prerequisites: Exercise Science program Admission and minimum overall GPA of 2.7.
  • MOVP 0102 - Introduction to Athletic Training

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces the student to the general principles of athletic training. The primary focus of the course is the prevention and management of injuries to and illnesses of athletes and those engaged in physical activity.

  • MOVP 0103 - Introduction to Teaching Physical Education

    Credits: 1

    This course will provide initial exposure to school physical education programs and the opportunity to integrate concepts of the movement science courses with the curriculum in the schools. Field-based pre-practicum (30 clock hours) with classroom follow-up.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0105  or MOVP 0106 .
  • MOVP 0105 - Foundations of Movement Science I

    Credits: 3

    Provides the student with the opportunity to examine the historical and philosophical foundations of movement sciences.

  • MOVP 0106 - Foundations of Movement Science II

    Credits: 3

    Designed to provide the student with the opportunity to examine the sociological and psychological foundations of human movement and sport.

  • MOVP 0107 - Exercise Injuries: Prevention and Treatment

    Credits: 3

    Provides the student with the knowledge of the general principles of athletic training. The emphasis of the course will be the prevention and management of exercise/sport injuries and conditions.

  • MOVP 0108 - Principles of Health and Wellbeing

    Credits: 3

    Designed to assist the student in developing a lifestyle conducive to good health and wellbeing. Identification of risk factors which affect longevity will be discussed. Included will be substance abuse, emotional and environmental factors, diet and exercise.

  • MOVP 0190 - First Aid and Emergency Care

    Credits: 1

    Provides the fundamental principles, knowledge and skills of first aid and accident prevention. Prepares the individual to care for most injuries and emergencies when medical assistance is delayed. First Aid and CPR certification will be available upon successful completion of the course.

  • MOVP 0191 - Athletic Training Skills

    Credits: 1

    Athletic Training Education Program course with focus on skill development in the immediate care and prevention of athletic injuries and illness through structured laboratory exercises and clinical experiences. This course must be repeated once and may be repeated more than once, but no more than 2 credits may be applied to the major.

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0199 - Wilderness Experiences

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to wilderness activities which provide participants with a degree of challenge and excitement. Will include current information on the most popular activities, with attention given to the history, equipment needs, travel arrangements, safety and first aid procedures, physical skills, liability problems and environmental concerns. The theories behind these activities and the organizational methods for conducting them, also will be included.

  • MOVP 0201 - Clinical Experiences in Exercise Science II

    Credits: 1 + 1 (two semsters)

    Exercise Science program course designed to teach basic skills relating to assessment, equipment knowledge and calibration. In addition, students will develop communication and interpersonal skills relating to client learning styles through applied experiences in exercise-related assessment and programming. This curse must be repeated once and may be repeated more than once, but no more than 2 credits may be applied to the major.

    Prerequisites: Exercise Science program Admission and minimum overall GPA of 2.7.
  • MOVP 0202 - Introduction to Motor Learning

    Credits: 3

    The study of significant variables which influence motor learning, i.e., transfer, cues, practice, reminiscences, perception, reaction time, motivation, reinforcement, etc. and the analysis of selective variables which affect the acquisition of motor skills.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 0101 .
  • MOVP 0203 - Motor Development and Behavior

    Credits: 3

    The scientific study of developmental patterns (psychomotor, cognitive and affective domains) of basic motor skills and structural components, growth processes and interrelationships/interactions of structure to function that influence motor behavior from infancy to old age.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 0101 .
  • MOVP 0204 - Kinesiology

    Credits: 3

    Science of human motion, analysis of leverage in body movement and problems of readjustment in relationship to body mechanics and to physical activity as it is related to an understanding of skillful, efficient and purposeful human motion. A lab component is included.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 0237 .
  • MOVP 0205 - Physiology of Exercise

    Credits: 3

    Designed to investigate and understand the role that exercise (muscle activity) plays on the functioning of the human body and how the body responds to exercise. A laboratory component is included.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 0239 .
  • MOVP 0211 - Emergency Medical Technician

    Credits: 4

    This course is designed to provide the student with the theoretical understandings and practical experiences in dealing with medical emergencies. Topics included are rescue breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, airway obstruction, oxygen therapy, soft tissue and internal injuries, ambulance operations, and emergency extrication. Class meets for two (2) hours of lecture and four (4) hours of laboratory. (Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to sit for the EMT-M certification examination conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Offices of Emergency Services.) Costs associated with required equipment/materials and certification fees are additional and are the responsibility of the student.

  • MOVP 0212 - Concepts of Nutrition

    Credits: 3

    Includes basic principles of nutrition and the body’s use of nutrients. Emphasis on the effect of diet on selected health problems as well as the relationship between diet and athletic habits using a variety of established guidelines including the use of a computerized diet analysis.

    Prerequisites: any laboratory science course.
  • MOVP 0213 - Sports Medicine professions

    Credits: 1

    Introduces the student to the scope of practice, career options, and educational requirements for the various disciplines in the field of sports medicine.  Students begin the academic portfolio that is required by the major.  Class sessions include dialogue with senior sports medicine students and guest speakers.

    Prerequisites: Movement Science major or Permission of Instructor
  • MOVP 0225 - Medical Terminology and Documentation

    Credits: 3

    Facilitates the development and application of an extensive medical vocabulary, including terms associated with structure, function, and pathology of the body systems.  Terminology of diagnosis, treatment, and medical procedures is also covered.  Basic guidelines for systems of documentation used in allied health and medicine are examined.

  • MOVP 0234 - Evaluation of Upper Extremity Injuries

    Credits: 3

    This course addresses the skills and knowledge needed to conduct a thorough clinical evaluation of injuries that commonly occur to the upper extremity in a sports/fitness environment. Two hour lecture and two hour laboratory.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 0237 .
  • MOVP 0235 - Evaluation of Lower Extremity Injuries

    Credits: 3

    This course addresses the skills and knowledge needed to conduct a thorough clinical evaluation of injuries that commonly occur to the lower extremity in a sports/fitness environment. Two hour lecture and two hour laboratory.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 0237 .
  • MOVP 0237 - Athletic Training Clinical Experience

    Credits: 2

    Athletic Training Education Program course with focus on the application of skills and clinical decision-making in diagnosis and immediate care of athletic injuries and illness through class discussions, structured laboratory exercises and clinical experiences. This course must be repeated once and may be repeated more than once, but no more than 4 credits may be applied to the major.

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0245 - Adventure Challenge Instructor

    Credits: 3

    The operation, management and design of an Adventure Challenge Ropes Course. This includes liability responsibilities, group process, construction and maintenance, safety procedures and technical skill. Satisfactory completion will result in one year certification of Adventure Challenge Instructor at Westfield State University.

  • MOVP 0250 - Techniques of Wilderness Leadership

    Credits: 3

    Techniques of planning, developing, organizing, and conducting an extended Wilderness Experience. Leadership training will also include first aid, rescue, navigation and legal responsibilities of these experiences.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0199 .
  • MOVP 0255 - Functional Anatomy

    Credits: 3

    Study of the skeletal and muscular structures involved in human movement. Designed to enable students to identify the structure and function of the spine and lower and upper extremity through computer simulation and application.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 0237 .
  • MOVP 0260 - Theory and Practice of Teaching Educational Games and Dance in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education

    Credits: 3

    This course provides the student with the pedagogy for and knowledge of selected activities appropriate for the elementary and secondary student.  The course emphasizes the skill theme approach to teaching which includes locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative, body management and specific sport skills.  These games are taught through low-organization games, lead-up activities to games of higher organization, dance/rhythmic activities, and fitness.  The course will consist of lecture in theory and content, as well as practice in a laboratory setting.  This course must be taken concurrently with MOVP 0261.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0202  or MOVP 0203 
    Corequisite: MOVP 0261 
  • MOVP 0261 - Theory and Practice of Games I: Analysis of Invasion Games and Striking/Fielding Games in Elementary and Secondary Education

    Credits: 3

    This course will focus on the development, analysis and assessment of game performance in invasion games and striking-fielding games in elementary and secondary physical education.  Emphasis will be placed on development of tactical awareness, problem solving skills, game performance components, and transfer within game categories.  An additional focus will be on effective pedagogy, as well as current teaching and learning theory for Games Centered/Student Centered Approaches (i.e. Teaching Games for Understanding and Tactical Games Model).  This course must be taken concurrently with MOVP 0260.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0202  or MOVP 0203   
    Corequisite: MOVP 0260 
  • MOVP 0262 - Theory and Practice of Teaching Gymnastics and Aquatics in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education

    Credits: 3

    This course provides the student with the pedagogy for and knowledge of selected activities appropriate for PreK-12 physical educators seeking initial licensee.  The course will include the theory and content for gymnastics and aquatic activities.  Emphasis will be placed on analysis of performance, sequence progression of skills and effective organizational techniques applied in teaching these activities.  An additional focus will be on the effective and progressive pedagogy for the Sport Education approach.  This course must be taken concurrently with MOVP 0264.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0202  or MOVP 0203 
    Corequisite: MOVP 0264 
  • MOVP 0264 - Theory and Practice of Games II: Analysis of Net/Wall and Target Games in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education

    Credits: 3

    This course will focus on the development, analysis and assessment of game performance in net/wall games and target games in elementary and secondary physical education.  Emphasis will be placed on development of tactical awareness, problem solving skills, game performance components, and transfer within game categories.  An additional focus will be on effective pedagogy, as well as current teaching and learning theory for Games Centered/Student Centered Approaches (i.e. Teaching Games for Understanding and Tactical Games Model).  This course must be taken concurrently with MOVP 0262.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0202  or MOVP 0203  
    Corequisite: MOVP 0262  
  • MOVP 0292 - Principles of Group Exercise Programming

    Credits: 3

    This course will highlight exercise leadership and programming through the process of teaching and instruction within various group exercise science settings. Theoretical principles related to group exercise class programming; teaching methods, class management and control, instructional media and materials, and self-evaluation are presented. In addition, a variety of group exercise modalities will be explored. This course prepares the student to take a nationally recognized group exercise certification exam.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0101  or permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0301 - Physical Education in the Elementary School

    Credits: 3

    Philosophy, program planning and methods of teaching children, guided observational experiences of children in schools, presentation of activities suitable in elementary school programs.

  • MOVP 0302 - Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education

    Credits: 3

    This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain knowledge of elementary statistical techniques and measurement procedures applicable to the discipline of physical education. Students will be expected to develop competency in the selection, development, and administration of valid testing and evaluation programs in physical education.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate Standing and MOVP 0313  or MOVP 0314  or permission.
  • MOVP 0303 - Health Education in the Elementary School

    Credits: 3

    An investigation of current content and practices necessary for implementation of effective, integrated early childhood and elementary school health education programs. This course provides an exploration of child health status and the vital role the elementary teacher plays in enabling children to acquire healthful lifestyle behaviors as they grow and develop.

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0304 - Psychology of Coaching

    Credits: 3

    This course concentrates on the principles and techniques applicable to the coaching of sports at the elementary and secondary levels.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0106  and PSYC 0101 .
  • MOVP 0305 - Principles of Strength and Conditioning

    Credits: 3

    This course examines the scientific theories and principles of the physical conditioning process. Emphasis is placed on the design and implementation of effective strength and conditioning programs for enhanced health and fitness. Topics include analysis of sportspecific performance demands, physiological adaptation to training, power and force production, functional strength training across the life span, theory of periodization and application, plyometric training, speed development. This course will also prepare the student to take the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist exam through the NSCA.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0204  and MOVP 0205  and intermediate standing.
  • MOVP 0308 - Physical Education in the Secondary School

    Credits: 3

    This course will explore content offered in the secondary curriculum (5-12). Students seeking certification at the elementary level (includes middle school) are encouraged to enroll. The content explores the teaching of various invasion, net/wall, target, and striking games by introducing strategies and skills through modified game play, as opposed to the drill, practice, and play of more traditional physical education teaching styles. An emphasis will be placed on incorporating the teaching of skills into strategies through drills and modified games. Evaluate procedures for performance (rubrics, standardized skill tests, videotape) will be introduced.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0103  or MOVP 0260 /MOVP 0261  or MOVP 0262  or permission.
  • MOVP 0309 - Outdoor Recreation

    Credits: 3

    An in-depth analysis of outdoor recreational activities. Includes skills of living in nature in respect to wilderness camping and environmental awareness, campcraft skills; planning and conducting outdoor recreation programs.

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0310 - Gerokinesiology

    Credits: 3

    Designed to focus on the physiological processes of aging and the impact of specific exercise programming for the older adult population. Students will gain an understanding of common orthopedic and cardiovascular considerations and develop an ability to employ modifications in exercise testing and prescription through service learning experiences with the older adult population. Other topics include: common health problems and illnesses, drugs/medications, psychological and sociological needs, and activities of daily living relevant for the older adult population.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0204  and MOVP 0205 .
  • MOVP 0311 - Adapted Physical Education

    Credits: 3

    The course will cover scientific techniques used in assessment, identification, skill analysis and program implementation for special needs students. Consideration will be given to characteristics, needs and related problems associated with conditions such as retardation, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, orthopedic disabilities, visual and hearing impairment, chronic illnesses, bilingual and multicultural problems of children and their integration into physical education programs. Special attention will be given to the impact of federal and state regulations as they relate to adapted and mainstreamed physical education. Twenty (20) hours of field work required.

    Prerequisites:    and Intermediate Standing.
  • MOVP 0312 - Interdisciplinary Learning Through Movement and Dance

    Credits: 3

    Interdisciplinary learning through the medium of movement and dance, that applies creative movement principles (self-expression and body awareness) and rhythms across other disciplines (e.g. math, social studies, science, language arts, music/theater arts).  Movement and dance provide not only hands-on learning, but minds-on, bodies-on learning as well as opportunities for teaching both curricula and dance as art.  Designed for pre-service teachers who plan to work with children at the elementary level, this course supports teachers who want to bring a cross-disciplinary approach to their learning environment.

  • MOVP 0314 - Physical Education Teaching Methodology: Elementary and Secondary

    Credits: 3

    Methods of teaching physical education in the elementary/secondary school.  Course will include the organization (appropriate sequence and progression for teaching skills). implementation (employment of various teaching methods, assessments and adaptations) and management of physical education programs with respect to elementary/secondary levels and diverse populations.  A forty (40) hour pre-practicum at the elementary or at the secondary level is required.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate Standin and eitherMOVP 0260  and MOVP 0261  or MOVP 0262  and MOVP 0264 
  • MOVP 0316 - Curriculum Planning & Implementation

    Credits: 2

    This course will provide for the development of curricular designs in Physical Education for programs in schools through evaluation of existing programs and the study of current trends and development in relation to their influence on the curriculum.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate Standing and MOVP 0313  or MOVP 0314 .
  • MOVP 0319 - General Medical Aspects of Physical Activity

    Credits: 3

    This course focuses on the recognition, immediate treatment and referral of common non-orthopedic injuries and illnesses that may occur during or be exacerbated by physical activity. Medical terminology, documentation, pre-participation physical examinations, diagnostic imaging, pharmacology, standard practices for counseling intervention, and position statements regarding participation in physical activity will also be discussed.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate Standing.
  • MOVP 0320 - Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of the facets of fitness assessment and exercise prescription, based on the guidelines and certification requirements established by the American College of Sports Medicine. Students will participate in, administer, and analyze: exercise stress tests, body composition assessment, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility tests. Concepts, principles and theories based on research from the fields of exercise physiology, kinesiology, nutrition, and tests and measurement will be applied to fitness assessment and exercise prescription.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0204  and MOVP 0205  and Intermediate Standing.
  • MOVP 0321 - Supervising Sports/Fitness Programs

    Credits: 3

    An overview of the objectives, strategies and policies regarding the managing sports/fitness programs. Specific learning experience will be designed to enhance the individual’s technical, human, and conceptual skills.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate Standing.
  • MOVP 0323 - Therapeutic Modalities

    Credits: 3

    Examines the use of therapeutic modalities as a component of athletic injury reconditioning programs. Theory, clinical applications and legal aspects are considered. Two lectures, two hour laboratory, weekly.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0204  and MOVP 0205  and Intermediate Standing.
  • MOVP 0325 - Women and Sport

    Credits: 3

    Provides an overview of the concerns of women within the social institution of sport. The historical, socio-psychological, and physiological aspects of female sport participation will be examined and discussed. Issues related to the impact of social change within sport upon the female athlete will be addressed.

    Prerequisites:   , PSYC 0101 , or SOCI 0101 .
  • MOVP 0326 - Children in Competitive Sports

    Credits: 3

    This course examines the cognitive, behavioral, biological, and environmental factors having important implications for competitive sport participants from early childhood through high school. Special attention will be placed on the practical application of sport science research for teachers, coaches, and administrators.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0202  and MOVP 0203 ; or permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0327 - Therapeutic Exercise

    Credits: 3

    A study of the principles and techniques associated with the planning and implementation of exercise programs designed to restore and improve musculoskeletal function. Students will learn how to develop reconditioning and rehabilitation programs including the components of range of motion, strength, stretching, joint mobilization, neuromuscular facilitation, and cardiovascular exercise. Emphasis on practical decision making related to the setting of program goals and the selection of appropriate exercises to achieve those goals. Two hour lecture and two hour laboratory.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate Standing and MOVP 0204  and MOVP 0205 .
  • MOVP 0328 - Fitness/Rehab for Special Populations

    Credits: 3

    This course will explore fitness assessment and exercise prescription for special populations. The effects of exercise on the process of aging will be examined. The special needs of those individuals with various medical conditions will be explored. Research in the areas of exercise physiology and medicine will serve as resources for the development of safe and effective exercise programs for individuals with special needs.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0205  and MOVP 0204  and Intermediate Standing.
  • MOVP 0329 - Basic Ekg and Stress Testing

    Credits: 1

    Through observation and experimentation, students will examine the anatomy and physiology, electrical conduction, and arrythmias of the cardiovascular system and its relationship to activity tolerance and is chemic burden.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 0237  or permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0330 - Sports Promotion

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to the issues, principles, and skills of sports promotion pertaining to the educational, recreational, and professional sports arenas. Focus will be on the structure and economic impact of the sports industry and the acquisition of skills required to effectively promote a sports program.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing.
  • MOVP 0331 - Sport and Exercise Psychology

    Credits: 3

    This course will require students to examine the theoretical foundations of sport and exercise psychology, as well as introduce students to the psychological skills commonly utilized in applied sport and exercise psychology. The research methods commonly utilized in sport and exercise psychology also will be considered.

  • MOVP 0332 - Nutrition and Human Performance

    Credits: 3

    This course is designed to investigate and understand how a combination of nutrition and exercise can lead to better health and performance, and how foods are converted to energy, energy sources used during exercise/performance, and optimal nutrition for exercise and sport. Topics will include: healthful dietary guidelines, bioenergetics, human metabolism during rest and exercise, the six classes of nutrients and their roles in exercise, body composition (body fat and muscle mass), weight management, and nutritional ergogenic aids.

  • MOVP 0334 - Organization and Administration in Athletic Training

    Credits: 3

    Students will explore leadership, management, and organizational theoretical foundations as applied to Athletic Training and related healthcare fields.  Specific emphasis is placed on emergency planning and risk management, Athletic Training advocacy, inter-professional communication, insurance and reimbursement, human resources management, facility design, and legal issues in the practice of Athletic Training.  Learning experiences will be focused on application through civic engagement.

    Prerequisites: Athletic Training Intermediate Standing
  • MOVP 0335 - Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health

    Credits: 3

    Selected research techniques and designs, with emphasis on planning, conducing, and reporting of research; applied statistical analysis and interpretation of data from the fields related to physical activity and health.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0108 .
  • MOVP 0337 - Athletic Training Research and Clinical Decision Making

    Credits: 3-6

    Athletic Training Education program course with focus on clinical decision making and research in prevention, evaluation, immediate care, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries and illness through clinical experiences and research projects. This course must be repeated once and may be repeated more than once, but no more than 12 credits may be applied to the major.

    Prerequisites: Advanced standing and permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0348 - Practicum I in Physical Education: Elementary

    Credits: 6

    Supervised observation and student teaching in an elementary school, conduct of classes and extra-curricular activities, development and understanding of school and community. Emphasis on continuity of lessons, units, daily evaluation. Supervision by cooperating school practitioner and Physical Education faculty from the University. Individual conferences and group seminars.

    Prerequisites: Advanced standing, MOVP 0313 , and current First Aid certificate.
  • MOVP 0349 - Practicum II in Physical Education: Elementary

    Credits: 6

    Supervised observation and student teaching in an elementary school, conduct of classes and extra-curricular activities, development and understanding of school and community. Emphasis on continuity of lessons, units, daily evaluation. Supervision by cooperating school practitioner and Physical Education faculty from the University. Individual conferences and group seminars.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0348 .
  • MOVP 0350 - Practicum I in Physical Education – Secondary

    Credits: 6

    Supervised observation and student teaching in a secondary school, conduct of classes and extra-curricular activities, development and understanding of school and community. Emphasis on continuity of lessons, units, daily evaluation. Supervision by cooperating school practitioner and Physical Education faculty from the University. Individual conferences and group seminars.

    Prerequisites: Advanced standing.
  • MOVP 0352 - Practicum II in Physical Education – Secondary

    Credits: 6

    Supervised observation and student teaching in a secondary school, conduct of classes and extra-curricular activities, development and understanding of school and community. Emphasis on continuity of lessons, units, daily evaluation. Supervision by cooperating school practitioner and Physical Education faculty from the University. Individual conferences and group seminars.

    Prerequisites: MOVP 0350 .
  • MOVP 0353 - Clinical Experience in Athletic Training

    Credits: 6-12

    Course requires working with a certified athletic trainer in another school for practical experience. Duties to include: administering first aid, administration of therapy treatment, observation of work of the clinical supervisor and duties assigned by the clinical supervisor.

    Prerequisites: Advanced standing.
  • MOVP 0355 - Practicum Seminar: Physical Education

    Credits: 3

    The practicum seminar is a series of formal meetings to provide an opportunity for student teachers to perceive relationships among ideas in problem situations, to explore creative situations, to increase familiarity with many resources and materials, and to develop wholesome personal and professional relationships. Special programs are presented with the aid of professional resource persons. Identification of educational innovations, problems and suggestions for the present and future needs of students and school personnel are a pertinent part of the practicum experience.

    Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in practicum.
  • MOVP 0360 - Senior Seminar in Sports Medicine

    Credits: 2

    Provides students an opportunity to examine contemporary issues and explore an area of selected interest relevant to the sports medicine field.  Requirements include completion of a portfolio documenting the student’s academic and professional development and presentation of a research project.  Students will also be required to participate in dialogue session with MOVP 0213.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate Standing and Senior Standing
  • MOVP 0390 - Senior Seminar in Exercise Science

    Credits: 1

    Provides an opportunity for senior-level Exercise Science students to discuss current issues in the field as well as the transition to professional practice or graduate school. Preparation for professional certification examinations and post-graduation professional development will also be examined.

    Prerequisites: Advanced Standing or permission of instructor.
  • MOVP 0395 - Internship Sports Medicine

    Credits: 6

    Provides the student enrolled in the Sports/Medicine Concentration with an opportunity to do in service work with public and private agencies/institutions in the community. The students will work under the supervision of the agency/institution director and will be supervised by a faculty member from the MSSLS Department. Students will be expected to assist in the development as well as conduct of Sports Medicine programs offered. Students are expected to fulfill a minimum of 280 clock hours. Individual conferences and group seminars are held in addition to the 280 clock hours.

    Prerequisites: Advanced Standing.
  • MOVP 0396 - Special Topics in Movement Science

    Credits: 1-3

    This course offers an in-depth study of a specialized area within the Movement Sciences.  Course content will vary according to the area of specialization of the instructor and the interests of the students.  May be repeated if courses content differs.

    Prerequisites: Intermediate standing for majors; permission of instructor for non-majors.
  • MOVP 0397 - Exercise Science Capstone Internship

    Credits: 4-12

    Provides the student enrolled in the Exercise Science Concentration with an opportunity for further practical experience in a related field. The students will work under the supervision of an agency/institution director and will be supervised by a faculty member from the MSSLS Department. This capstone experience will include a major and minor project, case study, journal reflection and formal presentation. Individual conferences and group seminars are held in addition to the clock hours.

    Prerequisites: Advanced Standing.
  • MOVP 0398 - Internship Wilderness Leadership

    Credits: 6

    Provides the student enrolled in the Wilderness Leadership concentration with an opportunity to work with public and/or private agencies/institutions in the community conducting wilderness programs. The student will work under the supervision of the agency/institution director and will be supervised by a member from the MSSLS department. Students will be expected to assist in the development as well as the conduct of the Wilderness Programs offered. Students are expected to fulfill a minimum of 280 clock hours. Prerequisite: Advanced standing and completion of courses in the Wilderness leadership concentration with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and current First Aid certificate.

  • MOVP 0399 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-6

    Individual research and independent study related to a particular phase of Movement Science, health or recreation with approval from the Movement Science Department.

    Prerequisites: Movement Science Major with Advanced Standing.


  • MOVP 0109 - Aerobics

    Credits: 1

    Designed as an aerobic conditioning course that may include calisthenics, aerobic dance, cardio kickboxing, circuit training, and body sculpting.

  • MOVP 0110 - Archery

    Credits: 1

    Designed to develop and improve the student’s knowledge (rules governing play and competition, history and development of the sport, selection and care of equipment and safety) and fundamental skills (stance, neck, draw, aim, release, follow through, secondary draw, bracing and unbracing the bow, use of point of aim and bow sight) essential to Target Shooting.

  • MOVP 0111 - Badminton

    Credits: 1

    Provides the student with an opportunity to develop and improve in the basic physical skills necessary to the game of badminton. The course is also designed to permit the student to become knowledgeable in the rules and etiquette of playing the game

  • MOVP 0112 - Badminton II

    Credits: 1

    Provides the student with an opportunity to develop and improve in the advanced physical skills necessary to the game of badminton. The course is also designed to permit the student to become knowledgeable in the rules and etiquette of playing the game

  • MOVP 0113 - Fitness for Adults: Walking

    Credits: 1

    Designed to introduce students to the basic fundamental skills of fitness walking: proper techniques for stretching the different muscles, proper warmup, work-out and cool-down. The student will demonstrate these skills by applying them to the activity through practice. Each student will gain confidence in fitness walking as a lifetime healthy activity

  • MOVP 0114 - Fitness for Adults: Jogging

    Credits: 1

    Designed to introduce students to the basic fundamental skills of jogging proper techniques for stretching the different muscles, proper warm-up, work-out and cool-down. The student will demonstrate these skills by applying them to the activity through practice. Each student will gain confidence in jogging as a lifetime healthy activity

  • MOVP 0115 - Bowling

    Credits: 1

    Designed to present fundamental skills, strategic elements and knowledge of bowling. Etiquette, scoring and team competition are emphasized.

  • MOVP 0118 - Step Aerobics

    Credits: 1

    Provides the student with an opportunity to improve cardiorespiratory work capacity levels and muscular endurance through participation in step aerobic activity. Cardiovascular conditioning, total body training and the development of endurance and lifetime fitness skills will be stressed

  • MOVP 0120 - Soccer

    Credits: 1

    Designed to provide instruction in the fundamental skills and techniques of kicking, heading, passing, and trapping. Team play, strategy and a review of the rules.

  • MOVP 0122 - Softball

    Credits: 1

    Designed to provide the fundamentals of softball, rules, strategy, skills and terminology. Emphasis on skills by defensive position, pitching, hitting and base running.

  • MOVP 0124 - Basketball

    Credits: 1

    Designed to provide fundamental skills and techniques of shooting, passing, ball handling, and footwork are emphasized. Team play and team strategy are taught.

  • MOVP 0127 - Volleyball

    Credits: 1

    Designed to develop and improve the student’s knowledge and basic motor skills essential to playing the game of volleyball.

  • MOVP 0128 - Volleyball II

    Credits: 1

    Designed to provide advanced skills of volleyball with emphasis on team play and inter-squad competition.

  • MOVP 0129 - Field Hockey

    Credits: 1

    Designed to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in the team game of field hockey. Topics include skills, field layout, rules, tactics, goalkeeping, and officiating

  • MOVP 0131 - Beginners’ Swimming

    Credits: 1

    Designed for those who have little or no swimming ability. Instruction in breath control, front and back float and glides, elementary strokes on front and back, turning over, leveling off, jump entrances, basic water safety skills. Introduction into deep water.


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