2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Admissions Overview

Each graduate degree offered by the school represents a different level of achievement. The Master’s degree is the first degree beyond the Bachelor’s degree. Each Master’s program is designed to develop in-depth knowledge of a particular field of graduate study. Concentration programs offer in-depth study of specific licensure areas in Education. Master of Education programs combine academic disciplines with graduate study in pedagogy appropriate for obtaining initial or professional licensure.



Matriculated students are those who have been admitted to a graduate program at Westfield State University. Formal application as a candidate for a graduate degree is a requirement for all degrees conferred by the University. If you intend to work toward a degree, you should apply as soon as possible. A maximum of six (6) Westfield State University credits taken prior to acceptance may be applied toward your degree program upon request and approval. Advising is recommended.

The application process for matriculation into a degree program is coordinated by the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education (GCE) using the criteria below (please see departmental requirements, as criteria may differ).

Acceptance requires a satisfactory undergraduate G.P.A., (>2.8 overall or a 3.0 G.P.A. for the last two years of undergraduate studies), a satisfactory score on required standardized test.

Once your application is in process, you may take an additional three credits (generally, one course) at WSU using the Pending Application Waiver form. This form requires the signatures of the program advisor, department chairperson, and GCE Dean, and is available at the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education (GCE) office. Once you have been granted a waiver, we ask that you complete your application within the next semester. Keep in mind, however, that a maximum of nine (9) Westfield State University credits appropriate to the degree sought may be applied toward a graduate degree prior to your acceptance into a program.

Transfer Credit

Up to six (6) semester hours of prior graduate credit may be accepted in transfer from one or more regionally accredited graduate schools toward a Master’s degree program. To be accepted, such courses must be appropriate to your Program of Study and must be approved by your program advisor. Transfer coursework may not have been counted toward a prior degree. After matriculation, students may not take courses at other institutions for the purpose of transfer. Transfer courses must carry a grade of B (3.0) or better and must be both relevant to your program of study and taken within the program’s six-year time frame (seven-year time frame for Psychology programs). Courses graded Pass/Fail are not acceptable for program credit. Official transcripts for transfer consideration must be sent directly from the transfer institution to the GCE Office.

Transfer Credit for Graduate Certificate Programs

Up to three (3) semester hours of prior graduate credit may be accepted in transfer from a regionally accredited graduate schools toward a graduate level certificate that requires at least fifteen (15) semester hours for completion. Not all graduate certificate programs may be eligible for transfer credits. To be accepted, such courses must be appropriate to the Program of Study and must be approved by the program advisor.  After matriculation, students may not take courses at other institutions for the purpose of transfer. Transfer courses must carry a grade of B (3.0) or better and must be relevant to your program of study. Graduate programs may institute additional requirements to accept transfer credit.  Courses graded Pass/Fail are not acceptable for transfer credit. Official transcripts for transfer consideration must be sent directly from the transfer institution to Graduate admissions.

Graduate School Application Process and Requirements

To apply, an applicant is required to submit:

  1. An application (available at www.gobacknow.com).
  2. Official transcript(s) of a bachelor’s degree (including all transcripts of coursework leading to the bachelor’s degree) from an accredited college or university and any subsequent collegiate studies you wish considered for transfer credit (maximum six (6) credits of graduate coursework).
  3. Three (3) letters of recommendation from professional or academic sources.
  4. Narrative statement.
  5. Any additional admission requirements specific to the particular department of study.
  6. A nonrefundable application fee.

The application materials should be sent to:

Office of Graduate & Continuing Education
Westfield State University
577 Western Avenue
Westfield, MA 01086-1630

Applications are considered complete when all required credentials are received. No admission decision may be made until the application is complete. Admission to the University is granted without regard to race, color, gender, religion or national origin. Application materials (references, narrative statement, standardized test scores, transcripts) are the property of the College and cannot be returned to you or submitted to other parties for any other use.

Admission Procedures

  1. Applicant submits application materials to the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education (GCE).
  2. When the application is complete, a GCE review will determine eligibility for acceptance.
  3. Application information is sent to individual departments for review and is returned to the Graduate Dean with a recommendation for matriculation status and any appropriate transfer credits.
  4. The Dean of GCE makes a final decision based on the departmental recommendation.
  5. The Dean sends a letter to the applicant informing him/her of acceptance status, name of program, and CWID (college wide ID number).

Acceptance Notification

Announcements of acceptance or rejection are sent out on a continuous basis after GCE has reviewed the academic records of the applicants. Decisions are made on the basis of departmental recommendations and the fulfillment of prerequisites. No student should presume admission until notification of official acceptance by the Dean has occurred.

Admission decisions for the M.A. in Counseling, the M.A. in Applied Behavioral Analysis, and the M.S.W. in Social Work are made by April for incoming fall cohorts. Applications must be completed prior to the spring deadline for fall matriculation consideration.

Standardized Examinations

Either the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test is optional for admission to some graduate programs. Please see program departments for specific requirements. Scores older than five years will not be considered valid for admission decisions.

The GRE General Test is given several times a year at centers throughout the country. Information and application forms for these standardized examinations are available online. Students with documented learning disabilities may be exempted from taking any standardized college entrance aptitude test for admittance to any public institution of higher education in the Commonwealth (M.G.L. Chapter 15A, Sec. 30). Test score reports must be sent directly to GCE by the Educational Testing Service. Our Code number is R3523-8. This number should be listed on the form to assure that the scores come directly to Westfield State University.


Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) are required for all candidates seeking Initial or Professional licensure in any field. Candidates applying for a first teaching license in any field of education must meet the qualifying score on the tests. Qualifying scores on the Communication and Literacy Skills test are required for candidates applying for an Initial license as an administrator or as school support service personnel (Guidance Counselor, Adjustment Counselor, etc). Candidates must achieve a qualifying score on a subject matter test for each license in a new field. For further information on the MTEL, please visit the Massachusetts Department of Education website at www.doe.mass.edu/mtel or www.mtel.nesinc.com.


Admission of International Students

International students who demonstrate graduate ability and proficiency in the English language may be offered admission. International applicants must submit all documents required for admission well in advance of the semester in which they wish to enroll. Official copies of transcripts showing completion of the equivalent of the American baccalaureate requirements must be sent directly to the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education (GCE) by the institution at which such work was completed. Documents not written in English must be accompanied by English translations. All international transcripts require an official evaluation of U.S. degree equivalency for graduate school admission. English translations of transcripts should be sent for evaluation (fee required) to:

Center for Educational Documentation
PO Box 231126
Boston, MA 02123-1126
Tel. (617) 338-7171
Fax. (617) 338-7101

Applicants are responsible for obtaining translations, requesting equivalency evaluations and for all attendant required fees. In addition, applicants whose native language is other than English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and have the results forwarded to GCE Information on the test dates and test centers for the TOEFL may be obtained by writing to: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Box 899, Princeton, NJ 08540.

Appropriate I-20 forms may be issued after all official credentials (including financial statements and documentation) have been received and the completed application has been reviewed and approved by the major department and the Vice President. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service requires certification that all standards for admission have been met before the I-20 form is issued. International student records will be made available to the Immigration and Naturalization Service through the SEVIS compliance process.

PLEASE NOTE: The Graduate Program has limited housing options available.