EDUG 0525 - Methods of Teaching 2 Through Science

Credits: 3

This course is the second of a series of three methods courses for the prospective teacher. In this advanced methods course, students will focus on the inclusive teaching, learning, and assessment in specific content areas. Critical examination of material and methods, subject matter knowledge, meeting diverse needs, and reflective practice will be emphasized. The deconstruction of institutional practices of STEM that create inequities, framing STEM instruction in inquiry and problem-based learning ways, and critical selection of curricular material are emphasized in this course to align with the department's commitment to Critical Engagement with Diversity, Social Justice, and Reflective Practice. This graduate course is cross-listed with EDUC 0329 and is differentiated by assignments, learning outcomes and expectations at an advanced level.

Prerequisites: EDUC 0519   Methods of Teaching 1 Through Mathematics

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