Mar 13, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog/Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
EGST 0237 - U.S. Latino/a Diasporic Communities A survey of the immigration history of different Latino/Latin American groups from 1848 to the present. Focus will be placed on the (im)migration patterns and experiences of Latinos/Latin Americans and expose students to the connections between race, ethnicity, gender, politics, and (im)migration, as well as citizenship laws. The class will center such concepts as Push/Pull theories of immigration, Social network theories of immigration, the concept of Diaspora, exile, and illegality as past and present U.S. immigration laws define these. The scholarship will draw on Latino/Latin American (im)migration and particularly literature on the term Latino/a as signifier of shifting racial and ethnic identification. Students will emerge from the class competent in identifying major themes and theoretical debates in contemporary (im)migration studies.