2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog/Handbook 
    Mar 15, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog/Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

GEOL 0220 - Surface and Groundwater Hydrology

Credits: 4

Crosslisted: ENVS 0220  

A comprehensive course on hydrology designed to cover the basics of the hydrologic cycle.  The course will be offered in two parts.  Part I will focus on surface water hydrologic principles, and Part II will focus on basic groundwater flow principles.  The course introduces basic terminology, discussion of the chemical and physical properties of water, and study of the physical processes that control both surface and groundwater flow.  The course is geared for student with an interest in hydrology, groundwater, and water management.  The course includes a laboratory component that is designed to bring practical experience and understanding of in-field sampling, basic analysis of natural waters, and analysis of real-time data available from monitoring agencies.