Feb 08, 2025
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
EDUC 0571 - Special Education Curriculum Credits: 3
This graduate course offers a foundation in special education curriculum design, development, and implementation. Course participants will investigate how special educators design and teach units reflecting high expectations that are anchored in rich content and authentic learning and assessment experiences. Culturally responsive curricula and teaching practices that meet the needs of all learners are explored and implemented through readings, discussions and guided activities in unit and lesson development. Differentiation and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) are practices applied to a backwards design approach to curriculum development. The dual mandate of inclusion and meeting individual needs requires that special educators must develop a wide array of subject matter knowledge, develop skills in instructional approaches which support differentiation, use a variety of assessment tools, and analyze the results to continue in the design of effective and rigorous standards-based units of instruction. As part of the course, students develop a unit and apply course knowledge, skills and understandings. In their field placements students construct and implement lessons informed by assessments. Throughout the course, students engage in critical reflection upon all curricular components including cultural, linguistic and community responsiveness, the maintenance of a safe and well-managed classroom, and the development of a collaborative learning environment for students, families and team members. This graduate course is cross-listed with EDUC 0371 and is differentiated by assignments, learning outcomes and expectations at an advanced level. Thirty hours of field experience in an approved special education setting for students with moderate disabilities is required.
Prerequisites: B or better in EDUC 0319/0354 (EDUC 0519 / EDUC 0554 ) & EDUC 0221 (EDUC 0540 ) or permission of the coordinator