2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

EDUC 0506 - Elementary Curriculum and Instruction

Credits: 3

This graduate course offers a foundation in elementary curriculum design, development, and implementation.  Course participants will investigate how educators design and teach units that are anchored in rich content and authentic learning and assessment experiences. Culturally responsive curricula and teaching practices that meet the needs of all learners are explored and implemented through readings, discussions and guided activities in unit and lesson development. Differentiation and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) are practices applied to a backwards design approach to curriculum development. Course participants create well-structured lessons with measurable outcomes anchored in the big ideas of academic disciplines. They explore a range of informal and formal assessment methods and teaching approaches as they work in the field to create inclusive learning environments that value diversity, empower students as learners, support the success of all students, and embrace family and community collaboration. Throughout the course, participants engage in critical reflection relative to their work in both the course and the elementary classroom. They develop the capacity to use observation, anecdotal notes, and feedback from the course instructor and supervising practitioner to improve their developing practice and sense of professionalism. This graduate course is cross-listed with EDUC0306 and is differentiated by assignments, learning outcomes and expectations at an advanced level.

A 30-hour field experience in an elementary setting is required.

Prerequisites: Grade of B or better in EDUC 0319/ EDUC 0519  , Pre/co-enrollment in EDUC 0511  , EDUC 0505  , GNSC 0560  , EDUC 0515   or permission of the coordinator.