Dec 21, 2024
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
ENGL 0230 - Declassifying Social Class: The Concealed Workings of a Potent Facet of Identity Credits: 3
We all live classed lives, yet most of us do not realize the many different ways that social class impacts us, daily. Though any course on social class owes a debt to Marxism, we will be focusing on sociocultural understandings of social class that focus on the thoughts and feelings of living classed lives in a capitalist society. The course will build your social class vocabulary with terms like class injury, class performance and cultural capital and ask you to use this new knowledge to analyze songs, podcasts, books and your experiences. As a writing-infused course, we will keep a thinking journal, create a collaborative glossary, capture our reading notes to prepare for discussion, analyze a longer text through social class, write about social class for a real audience of your choosing, and write reflectively.