2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog/Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chemical and Physical Sciences
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The Chemical and Physical Sciences Department, located on the third floor of Wilson Hall, is a multidisciplinary department that offers courses in astronomy, chemistry, geology, physics, and science education. Majors complete programs leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in either Chemistry or General Science. The Chemistry Major is intended for students who plan to attend graduate school, obtain career positions in industry, or teach high school chemisty, while the General Science major is designed specifically for those students planning to teach at the middle or elementary school levels.
The Department oversees nine laboratories, each equipped with appropriate safety features. Laboratory equipment includes ten- and eight-inch computer-controlled Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes (astronomy), infrared, ultraviolet, flame emission and atomic absorption spectrophotometers (chemistry), gas and liquid chromatographs (chemistry), and computer-based data collection systems (physics). Some students, particularly those enrolled in the Chemistry major, also have completed off-campus internships or cooperative education experiences, allowing them to work with other kinds of instrumentation. ProgramsCoursesAstronomyChemistryGeologyGeneral SciencePhysics
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